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Download RPP Tematik Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 Sesuai Kebutuhan


Download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020: A Guide for Teachers

If you are a teacher of grade six in Indonesia, you might be wondering how to download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, a simplified lesson plan based on the curriculum of 2013. In this article, we will explain what RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is, why it is important, how to download it, and how to use it. We will also provide some examples and templates that you can use for your own teaching.

What is RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

Definition and background of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

RPP stands for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, which means lesson plan in English. It is a document that contains the objectives, activities, and assessment of a learning process. RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a specific type of RPP that is designed for grade six students in the first semester, based on the curriculum of 2013 (Kurikulum 2013 or K13).

download rpp kelas 6 semester 1 revisi 2020

K13 is a national curriculum that was introduced in Indonesia in 2013, with the aim of developing students' competencies in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values. K13 emphasizes student-centered learning, thematic and integrated approach, authentic assessment, and character education. K13 has been revised several times to improve its quality and implementation.

Benefits and objectives of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a simplified version of RPP that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with the Circular Letter No.14/2019. The purpose of this simplification is to reduce the administrative burden of teachers and to focus more on the student-oriented learning process.

Some of the benefits and objectives of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 are:

  • It helps teachers to plan their lessons effectively and efficiently.

  • It aligns with the standards and indicators of K13.

  • It supports the development of students' competencies in various subjects.

  • It facilitates the integration of literacy, critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and character education.

  • It allows teachers to modify and adapt their lessons according to the needs and situations of their students.

How to download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

Sources and links to download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

There are many sources and links that offer free download of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 online. However, not all of them are reliable or updated. Therefore, it is important to check the credibility and validity of the sources before downloading them.

Some of the sources and links that you can use to download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 are:

  • [GURU BERBAGI](^2^), a website that provides various RPP for different levels and subjects, including RPP daring kelas 6 semester 1 revisi 2020, which is suitable for online learning.

  • [Info Dunia Edukasi](^1^), a blog that shares information and resources related to education, such as RPP K13 1 Lembar Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, which is a one-page RPP that covers five themes.

  • [Guru Baik](^3^), a portal that offers free download of RPP Satu Lembar Kelas 6 Semester 1 & 2 K13 Revisi 2020, which is a simplified RPP that follows the K13 standards and indicators.

Tips and steps to download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

To download RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 from the sources and links above, you can follow these tips and steps:

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  • Choose the source and link that suits your needs and preferences. For example, if you want a one-page RPP, you can choose Info Dunia Edukasi. If you want an online RPP, you can choose GURU BERBAGI.

  • Click on the link or the button that says "Unduh RPP" or "Download RPP". You will be directed to a page where you can see the details and preview of the RPP.

  • Check the quality and validity of the RPP before downloading it. Make sure it is updated, complete, and relevant to your subject and grade.

  • Download the RPP in the format that you prefer, such as Word or PDF. You can also print it if you want a hard copy.

  • Save the RPP in your device or cloud storage for future use. You can also share it with your colleagues or students if you want.

How to use RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

Components and format of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 has three main components: Tujuan Pembelajaran (Learning Objectives), Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran (Learning Steps), and Penilaian (Assessment). Each component has sub-components that describe the details of the learning process. For example, Tujuan Pembelajaran has Kompetensi Inti (Core Competencies), Kompetensi Dasar (Basic Competencies), Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (Competency Achievement Indicators), and Materi Pokok (Main Materials).

The format of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 varies depending on the source and link that you use. However, generally, it follows a table format with columns and rows that show the components and sub-components of the RPP. The table can be one-page or more, depending on the length and complexity of the RPP.

Examples and templates of RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020

To give you an idea of how to use RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, here are some examples and templates that you can refer to or modify for your own teaching:

RPP K13 Satu Lembar Kelas VI Tema I Selamatkan Makhluk Hidup Subtema I Tumbuhan Sahabatku

Tujuan PembelajaranSetelah mengikuti pembelajaran ini siswa dapat:

Kompetensi IntiKI-1: Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.KI-2: Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan peradaban.KI-3: Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah.KI-4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

Kompetensi DasarKD-1.1: Menyimak cerita tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.KD-2.1: Menyampaikan pendapat tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.KD-3.1: Menjelaskan ciri-ciri tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.KD-4.1: Menyajikan hasil pengamatan tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.

Indikator Pencapaian KompetensiIPK-1.1: Menjawab pertanyaan tentang isi cerita yang disimak.IPK-2.1: Mengemukakan pendapat tentang manfaat tumbuhan bagi manusia dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar.IPK-3.1: Menyebutkan ciri-ciri tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.IPK-4.1: Membuat laporan hasil pengamatan tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.

Materi PokokTumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.

Langkah-Langkah PembelajaranAlokasi WaktuKegiatan GuruKegiatan Siswa

Pendahuluan15 menit- Memberi salam dan memeriksa kehadiran siswa.- Mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan pengalaman siswa sehari-hari tentang tumbuhan yang ada di lingkungan sekitar.- Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran dan kompetensi yang diharapkan.- Menjawab salam dan menyebutkan nama saat absen.- Berdiskusi dengan teman sebangku tentang tumbuhan yang ada di lingkungan sekitar.- Mendengarkan tujuan pembelajaran dan kompetensi yang diharapkan.

Inti60 menit- Memutar rekaman cerita tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.- Memberi pertanyaan kepada siswa untuk mengecek pemahaman mereka tentang isi cerita.- Memfasilitasi siswa untuk menyampaikan pendapat mereka tentang manfaat tumbuhan bagi manusia dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar.- Memberi penjelasan tentang ciri-ciri tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.- Menginstruksikan siswa untuk melakukan pengamatan tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia di lingkungan sekolah atau rumah.- Memberi contoh cara membuat laporan hasil pengamatan.- Mendengarkan rekaman cerita dengan seksama.- Menjawab pertanyaan dari guru tentang isi cerita.- Menyampaikan pendapat mereka tentang manfaat tumbuhan bagi manusia dengan menggunakan bahasa yang baik dan benar.- Mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang ciri-ciri tumbuhan yang bermanfaat bagi manusia.- Melakukan pengamatan tentang tumbuhan yang bermanfa t bagi manusia di lingkungan sekolah atau rumah.- Membuat laporan hasil pengamatan sesuai dengan contoh dari guru.

Penutup15 menit- Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan memberi umpan balik kepada siswa.- Memberi tugas kepada siswa untuk mempresentasikan laporan hasil pengamatan mereka di depan kelas.- Memberi apresiasi kepada siswa yang aktif dan berprestasi.- Memberi salam dan mengakhiri pembelajaran.- Mendengarkan kesimpulan materi pembelajaran dan umpan balik dari guru.- Mengerjakan tugas untuk mempresentasikan laporan hasil pengamatan mereka di depan kelas.- Menerima apresiasi dari guru.- Menjawab salam dan mengucapkan terima kasih.


Summary and main points of the article

In this article, we have discussed what RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is, why it is important, how to download it, and how to use it. We have also provided some examples and templates that you can use for your own teaching. RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a simplified lesson plan that is based on the curriculum of 2013 and aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of the learning process. It is a useful tool for teachers of grade six in Indonesia who want to plan their lessons efficiently and effectively.


Here are some frequently asked questions about RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020:

  • What is the difference between RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 and RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2019?

RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 is a newer version of RPP that was issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with the Circular Letter No.14/2019. It is more simplified and concise than RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2019, which was issued by the same ministry in accordance with the Circular Letter No.15/2018.

  • How many themes are there in RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

There are five themes in RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, namely: Selamatkan Makhluk Hidup (Save Living Creatures), Kesehatan Tubuhku (My Body Health), Peristiwa dalam Kehidupan (Events in Life), Cita-Citaku (My Aspirations), and Lingkungan Sahabat Kita (Our Environment Friend).

  • How many subjects are there in RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

There are six subjects in RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020, namely: Pendidikan Agama dan Budi Pekerti (Religious Education and Character Building), Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education), Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika (Mathematics), Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (Natural Sciences), and Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (Social Sciences).

  • How can I modify or adapt RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for my own teaching?

You can modify or adapt RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 for your own teaching by considering the following factors: the characteristics and needs of your students, the availability and suitability of the learning resources, the time and space of the learning process, and the feedback and evaluation of the learning outcomes.

  • Where can I find more information or assistance about RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020?

You can find more information or assistance about RPP Kelas 6 Semester 1 Revisi 2020 from the following sources: the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the official website of your local education office, your school principal or supervisor, your fellow teachers or colleagues, or online forums or communities for teachers.


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